
3M is a products company that recognizes the critical role design plays in every phase of the product development process. Their business units include Consumer, Electronics and Energy, Health Care, Industrial, and Safety and Graphics. 3M approached us to explore new opportunities within their Consumer unit.

3M provided our team with a challenge: design a connected ecosystem in the Consumer focus area by leveraging the existing research of the problem space, the users and influencers in the space, and key pain points for their current experience.


The approach was to research the problem space to identify opportunity areas, then collaborate during ideation to create a design system that aligned with 3M’s strengths and user needs.

My Role

I worked in a team of 3 for this project. As a team we completed research, made design and strategy decisions, and presented our findings to stakeholders. My individual responsibilities included creating storyboards for the presentation, and expanding upon wireframes created by my team member to increase fidelity.



  • User Journey Map

  • Wireframing

  • Scenarios and Storyboards



3M stakeholders were presented with a new strategy to expand upon the pet care market within their consumer unit.




Who are they?

Primary Users

Pet Owners

Secondary Users


What do they value?

  • Keeping pets happy and healthy while managing costs.

  • Having a clear line of communication into any health issues that arise with pets.



Understanding the Problem Space


An ecosystem map showed stakeholders and relationships within the opportunity space: pet owners, veterinarians, and the sales channels through which consumers purchase products and services related to pet care. The team took time to ask what questions and assumptions we had about the space.

A user journey map was used to understand the emotional state of a new pet owner when a health problem arises in their pet. Pain points were identified in the journey which guided our focus for research.


Research revealed a disconnect


After compiling research findings, a disconnect was discovered between pet owners and veterinarians. Costs of vet bills and anxiety over the correct diagnosis of a pet were driving factors of the disconnect.


A strategy emerged


After synthesizing our research findings, a strategy statement was formed:

We believe that by bridging the communication gap between pet owners and veterinarians, we can increase pet health, decrease costs, and alleviate the stress of bringing your pet into the vet when they are ill.


Introducing the 3M Vital Patch

A new technology that bridges research findings and 3M’s existing experience with wearable technology.


Presenting the Strategy


A storyboard narrative was created to present the strategy to stakeholders


New User Journey


With our proposed strategy , the user journey map adjusts the path of the pet owners emotional state. This shift is due to improved trust reduced anxiety of the pet owner while using the system.


Moving Forward


Moving forward the strategy will be evaluated using a proposed method. Successful implementation and evaluation of the strategy creates potential for moving the strategy into other territories including livestock and zoos.